No. 20: Representations of Women Scientists in Literature

No. 20: Representations of Women Scientists in Literature

The Eighteenth-Century Lady Scientist by Afton Lorainne WoodWard

Monsters, Myths, and Constellations by Leila A. McNeill

In this issue, guest writer Afton Lorraine Woodward writes about the representations of women scientists in the 18th century restoration comedy The Basset Table. Leila looks at the relationship between poet Adrienne Rich and astronomer Caroline Herschel through the poem "Planetarium."

Image credit: Frontispiece and title page for T"he Basset Table" via Shakespeare Folger Library

No. 21: Women at the Intersection of Art and Science

No. 21: Women at the Intersection of Art and Science

No. 19: Science and Feminism in the Anthropocene

No. 19: Science and Feminism in the Anthropocene